Jul 29, 2024
Is your web site ready for its visitors?

Content is king.

That was the mantra of all web masters for a long time. Just show your visitors some interesting stuff, give them a better deal – and your success is guaranteed. The truth is – it doesn’t work that way. The content alone cannot win you the hearts and minds of your potential customers. It’s just a part – thought a very important one- of building your image on the Internet. You can say whatever you want about yourself on your web site: https://visualmodo.com/ that your company provides the best services, the best expertise, the best…. whatever. But people won’t buy it until you LOOK right to them. That is you look trustworthy and professional enough to believe you. And that’s the point where we come to the importance of keeping your web site up to your customers’ expectations.

Numbers don’t lie

Your web site might not have changed for several years. But the Internet has been changing. The latest surveys show that people’s online expectations have skyrocketed over the last few years and they’re quick to reject any web site that doesn’t keep up. Besides easy navigation and use, people want and expect a site to load quickly and to be visually appealing. If a web site doesn’t meet their expectations, two-thirds of respondents say they don’t return — now or ever. They’ll visit you and leave and you’ll never know.
What it means? Having a bad web site means loosing customers- plain and simple. When people see your web site in bad shape they assume that you ever don’t care about your image or don’t have money and resources to maintain it.

What is a good web site?

A good web site should provide your visitors and potential clients with a unique experience and leave them with a lasting impression. In many ways people react to that the same way as meeting a person. Sometimes the first impr

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