Aug 15, 2024
Step by Step Troubleshooting RAM

to perform this job.

Step 2: Start simple and analyze the problem.

* Have you added or replaced RAM? Is it u installed properly?
* Have you moved the computer? RAM modules can come loose.

* Is it a new computer? RAM modules might not have been inserted properly.
* Have you installed any new hardware upgrades?
* Have you installed new software or might there be a virus problem?
* Have you changed or installed patches for your operating system?
* Do you have the correct RAM type?
* Is the RAM module connectors tin or gold?
* When your computer starts (boots) does it report the correct amount of RAM?
* Does your system properties report the correct amount of RAM?
* Are there any POST messages that indicate RAM problems?

* Does the system report Parity errors or address failures whilst the system is running?
* Do you get a Windows error message “exception error OE at>>0137:BFF9z5d0” or something similar?
* You’ve tried everything else!!!

Any one of these can indicate a problem with the RAM module or something connected with it.

WARNING: Before you start troubleshooting remember that you are dealing with electricity that can KILL. Only work inside the computer case when the power has been switched off and disconnected. Never open the power source.

Step 3: Start by reading through this article to establish some ideas about what the problem might be and how to resolve it. There is no absolute order for diagnosing problems it’s equal parts science and magic. If it’s hardware then you are probably going to have to open the computer case (steps 5 – 10 & 13). You may prefer to eliminate other problems first (steps 11-12). Or even run diagnostic software (step 14).

Step 4: Gather all the documentation that came with your computer, memory modules or MOBO (motherboard). You

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