
Can Web Copy Writers Learn From Direct Mail Techniques

Can Web Copy Writers Learn From Direct Mail Techniques

Would you send a million letters costing tens of thousands
to print and mail, in a direct marketing campaign, without
testing the letter content first? It’s what many website
owners do when they don’t test and measure their own
website copy and content then spend thousands on web
marketing campaigns to drive traffic to their websites.

In a direct mail campaign the mailer knows based on test
mail outs what to expect and therefore what his return on
investment will be. They basically write, re-write and re-
write again until they have the content that gets https://Charlie-Day.com
desired response. Many moons ago I used to work full time
writing for direct mailing companies and the mailers would
ask for 3 or 4 different versions of the same message and
this was the reason. They tested each one with a short
mail out (about 1000 per mailshot) and gauged response to
find the best percentage.

So the direct mail marketer has a solid figure to work on.
He knows if he spends figure ‘a’ on direct mailing he will
get figure ‘b’ response. Why can’t the same apply to
website marketing?

We think it can. We tested this theory for 8 months and
for the last 4 months have consistently been hitting the
same percentage level (roughly give or take 0.5%) of

By defining your website goal and objective, experimenting
with copy, content, persuasion, design, colour and
architecture it is possible to predict what the response
of your website conversion will be. In other words you can
confidently predict how many people will do what you want
them to do every month. Month after month. Easy? no, it
takes a lot of work but it certainly is possible.

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